A new school year is just about to begin! Kid friendly offices all across the country are about to lose their summertime guests, kids are coming home from summer camps, and parents are running around trying to make sure that their kids have everything they need for the new school year. Yes, summer vacation is quickly coming to a close, and as a result you can’t turn the television on without seeing back to school ads advertising everything from shoes, to backpacks, to stylish new clothes.
But what about the teachers? Year after year the focus is always on the kids, but teachers need supplies too! What many people don’t realize is that because teachers often receive such measly classroom budgets, they are often left having to use their own hard earned money to supply the class with everything from decorations to basic supplies like markers, pencils, and chalk.
Once in a while individual counties will team up with local office supply stores, or neighborhood parents and host a school supply drive or two during the summer months to help teachers get their classrooms ready for the new year. There is a reason why all teachers seem to request that their students bring in boxes of tissues on the first day of school, often times teachers will have to shell out the money for them themselves, and if they don’t – well no one wants to be in a classroom with a bunch of sick kids come cold and flu season – especially if they don’t have any tissues!
So what can we here at Custom Signs do to help?
We’ve decided to do what we do best! This past month our highly trained team of designers got their heads together and came up with an awesome new line of school signs!
From inspirational and motivational signs to classroom numbers, teacher names, and rules – we’ve got a sign for everything your school could need for the new school year. These high quality signs have been specially designed and manufactured in our factories and are then sent out to you as quickly as we can manage.
When it comes to our new motivational signs, we know that because a teacher’s budget is small, they’re going to want to only buy products of a high quality so they will last for years into the future. All of our motivational and rule signs are made with a high quality vinyl and are then mounted on aluminum. These signs are easily mountable and will be around for years to come.
As for our room number signs, nothing disrupts a teachers train of thought more than when student arrive late to a classroom. Make sure that your school is doing its part to ensure that students don’t get lost when navigating the halls. College and University campuses in particular can be difficult enough to navigate for existing students let alone new ones. Great for administration offices, classrooms and more – our classroom number signs are perfect and can even feature braille. Grab your new school signs today!